Ultimo aggiornamento: 2018-10-25 11:16:54


Before leaving, it is important to make sure that you have completed the necessary paperwork and that you have all the documents required for your stay in Italy.

The MIUR (Ministry of University and Research) has set up a website for foreign students, with a page dedicated to visas and the http://www.study-in-italy.it/about/essential-documents.htmldocuments required for travelling.

On the website’s information page you will find details on how to obtain and renew a permesso di soggiorno (residence permit), for both EU citizens and students from non-EU countries, as well as a number of other useful guidelines.

Further Details: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

800 453 444
Lun. - Ven. dalle 09:00 alle 18:00 e Sab. dalle 9:00 alle 13:00