Ultimo aggiornamento: 2020-05-06 17:01:05

Disabled Facilities

A program to promote the integration of disabled students within the academic community
Students who read the textbooks and turn them into audio books, books in Braille transcription available in the libraries of the University, opportunities to study with other young people for help during the preparation of exams: these are just some of the initiatives to support disabled students promoted by the University Magna Graecia.

The University of Catanzaro, in fact, in order to promote the full participation of all students to the educational, training and relationship activities of the University and to ensure the effective exercise of the right to education, has introduced a program to support the full integration of disabled students within the academic community.

For this reason, a information center has been activated ,in the new facilities at the university campus Germaneto: a counseling service and a dedicated tutoring service.

The information center has the task of listening and offering information useful for solving problems of integration into university life, and at the same time, of receiving proposals and requests for assistance from students with disabilities and their families or carers.

The tutoring service provides the right kind of educational support, monitors the curriculum of the student through frequent and customized contacts, assists students with disabilities in finding educational materials and provides assistance in administrative practices.

All services have been made on the basis of indications given, about a year ago, by the census of disabled students enrolled in the University.

For further information:

Administrative Office - Sig.ra Giuseppina Cosentino
Viale Europa, Edificio delle Bioscienze,VI° liv. - Localita'  Germaneto (Catanzaro)
Tel.: +39 0961 3695175
E-mail: gcosentino@unicz.it

800 453 444
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